For many insurance companies, the collection of client data remains a top priority; however, this practice needs an added element to provide solutions and to help companies gain market share. By using analytics in insurance marketing, companies can better identify specific ways to increase customer satisfaction. This leads to better client retention and can add new customers.

Mobile marketing, for example, has solid potential. More and more customers utilize mobile devices and laptops to shop for products. These customers expect a positive experience, with capable and responsive web designs. While quality products remain important to customers, they also crave a seamless online experience.

Using Analytics in Insurance Marketing for Customer Insights

In the end, marketing seeks to understand customers and find out what they want. One insight from analytics shows that customers want the ability to buy products right from mobile devices. This allows them to make decisions on the move and tick off another accomplishment for the day. A platform that allows for information but not purchases just requires another step for the potential customer.

Digital marketing and data acquisition without analytics leave a lot on the table. A close look at the data allows insurance companies to improve marketing strategies.